Franklin and Sons Tonic Water lemons of Sicily 20cl, 4pcs

Franklin and Sons Tonic Water lemons of Sicily 20cl, 4pcs

9.20 CHF

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Lemon, quinine and water-these three ingredients are the basis of Franklin&Sons’ natural tonic water. Of course, there is also carbon dioxide, which optimally enhances the flavors of spirits. Here in a set of 4.

Sicilian lemons are the ultimate among all citrus fruits. Because several favorable factors such as volcanic soil, warm days, lots of sunshine and cool nights converge on the Italian island, lemons grow particularly well there. That is why the addition “Sicilian” is often seen as a kind of seal of quality. The tonic water is made with spring water from Staffordshire, England, with no additives or artificial preservatives. Instead of chemicals, essential oils from the peel and pulp of whole Sicilian lemons and quinine from the cinchona tree of Ecuador are used. The result is spicy, fruity and slightly bitter. Lemon Tonic Water can be drunk “without anything,” but it is usually used to make gin and tonic and other long drinks. Franklin&Sons specializes in carbonated soft drinks such as lemonades, mixers, tonic waters and sodas. The origins of the company, which reinvented itself in 2015, date back to 1886-then it was still called “Franklin & Brothers”

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