Franklin and Sons Tonic Water Pink grapefruit and bergamot 20cl, 4pcs

Franklin and Sons Tonic Water Pink grapefruit and bergamot 20cl, 4pcs

10.90 CHF

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Grapefruit, bergamot, quinine, and water-these four ingredients go into Franklin&Sons’ natural tonic water. Of course, there is also carbon dioxide and some sugar to balance the bitter flavors. The tonic is available here in a set of 4.

Franklin&Sons’ dual-aroma tonic waters were designed in collaboration with mixology experts eager to create optimal food and drink pairings. Grapefruit and bergamot tonic water, for example, can be ideally paired with gins with a floral or tea-flavored character. A light Tequila Blanco also goes well with this tonic. If you want to eat something else, you can choose salmon, shrimp, feta cheese, salad or Asian dishes. Tonic waters are made without artificial ingredients and preservatives: they contain Ecuadorian quinine, British sugar, British water, and plenty of carbon dioxide to enhance the flavors of spirits as much as possible.

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