Malfy Gin Rosa

Malfy Gin Rosa


44.90 CHF

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On the nose and on the palate Malfy Gin Rosa results very sweet and soft . The sweet and sour notes of pink grapefruit stand out, combined with the sweetness of rhubarb and supported by juniper and other botanicals. The taste of grapefruit is persistent and makes the distillate almost juicy.
Malfy Gin is a product that wants to be 100% Italian : the botanicals come from Italy, the bottle is decorated with a typical Italian glass processing technique, while the cap is made of Italian oak wood. On the label we find a coat of arms that wants to remember the rowing competitions that every year involved the four ancient kingdoms of Italy. The acronym GQDI means: “Quality Gin Distilled in Italy”. After the great worldwide success of Malfy Gin with Lemon, the brand has launched the Malfy Gin with Orange, Malfy Gin Original and Malfy Gin Rosa variants. The latter is characterized by two botanicals from Sicily: pink grapefruit and rhubarb.
Malfy Gin Rosa is produced with pink grapefruit from Sicily and rhubarb . The Italian juniper berries are left to infuse in neutral alcohol for 36 hours. The other botanicals are lemon, coriander, angelica and iris root, which, together with grapefruit, are vacuum distilled at a low temperature for five hours. This process gives the gin its beautiful pink color and strong, fresh citrus notes.








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