Studer Swiss Gold VODKA with 24 karat gold sheets + box set

Studer Swiss Gold VODKA with 24 karat gold sheets + box set


60.00 CHF

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Studer’s award-winning Swiss Gold Vodka was made according to a traditional recipe. In Studer’s original mountain bottle, the Matterhorn stands as a landmark surrounded by 22-karat gold trappings.

Made from locally sourced wheat and mountain water, bottled in the award-winning mountain bottle

This 40 percent vodka from the traditional Studer distillery is made from grain and pure alpine water, which master artisans draw from their own springs. The family business was founded in 1883 by Hans Studer when he returned to Escholzmatt in Lucerne from a very informative trip to France. He had valuable knowledge, numerous recipes and an extraordinary taste for action with him.
What is truly special about Swiss Gold Vodka, however, is not the exciting background, the careful production process or the award-winning taste. The mountain bottle containing the clear liquid is truly unique. The Matterhorn rises majestically from the bottom of the bottle. The icing on the cake is the 22-carat gold canutilla floating up and down in the belly of the bottle, somewhat reminiscent of Swiss snow. The golden bottle neck label is also part of the elegant design, for which Gold Vodka received gold medals from three independent juries in 2011 and 2012.

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