Studer Swiss Gold Gin with 24 karat gold sheets + box set

Studer Swiss Gold Gin with 24 karat gold sheets + box set


67.00 CHF

1 in stock (can be backordered)

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Studer Swiss Gold Gin attracts everyone’s attention with its gold foils and attractive bottle featuring the Matterhorn.

Swiss Gold Gin is based on our house’s 100-plus-year-old dry gin recipe. The gin is distilled from juniper, citrus, angelica, cubeb pepper, lavender flowers, coriander, ginger and other secret ingredients from our house recipe. 24-carat gold foils are added to the gin after the distillation process and then filled into the Matterhorn bottle.

Swiss Gold Gin not only attracts attention but also delights gin lovers with its balanced notes of juniper and citrus.

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